
The Hope Rising Project is a community of people who live with mental illness, have struggled with self harm and addiction, or survived a suicide attempt, and who want to make a difference in their respective communities. We believe in bring HOPE to the Hurting. We believe in the power of storytelling, at every point of the journey of recovery. We believe in the power of community: shared pain and shared joys. We believe that we can change the world one life at a time.

We have felt the light of HOPE inching its way through the darkness in life, like a sunrise pushing back the night.

In time I hope to build this project into an online and real-life community that can provide resources and treatment to those in need. A community that will be a part of one another’s stories, and as a result building HOPE for one another.

There is no place more dangerous for a person who struggles then to be in isolation.
So I call to you, to step out of the darkness and reach out to others.

Twitter: @hoperisingproj

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